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Pillars of Meditation

Pillars of Meditation: Foundation in the Art of Meditation 6 week course for beginners

  • Ended
  • 175 US dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

The Pillars of Meditation offer the means to return to a peaceful now-presence which is an aspect of your true nature. Mindfulness tools used in meditation can transform emotional patterns to relieve anxiety and restore a sense of calm by creating new neural pathways. Establishing a centering meditation allows you to develop the instrument of mind to serve as a vehicle for consciousness. We will work with the basic mindfulness principles as a starting point to unpack the foundational pillars necessary to build and establish a steady and enduring meditation practice together:  Effective meditation relieves chronic tension, regulates our nervous systems, calms reactivity, and helps us to develop a gentle and compassionate relationship with ourselves over time. In our personal life challenges and the collective, we are faced with stress and anxiety. Our minds are not designed for chronic stress which can create more suffering and interfere with our well-being. Meditation returns you to your true nature; the wellspring of your unlimited potential, creativity, and compassion. By returning to our true nature we can bring effective changes into our lives. My teaching style is focused on teacher-student relationship where the light of insight and connection offers the space for questions and answers to support the development of students to establish an effective meditation practice.   In this course you will learn: The tools to create the foundation for a daily meditation practice: Pillars of mindfulness. Pillars include establishing the witness by employing distance and dispassion, the ability to further the process of discernment and discrimination to favor a process of effortless letting go to come into a peaceful now presence. Teachings and discussions on how to handle the pitfalls and distractions in practice are offered. Silent Meditation Practice: Apanasati meditation (breath anchor) and Mantra meditation (sound anchor) will be practiced daily and weekly together at the end of class. The process of how to redirect awareness to ‘let go’ during silent meditation to back out of attachments and aversions, emotions and habituated ego patterns will be introduced. This course will also be available on the LearnDesk platform.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us within 24 hours advance notice.

Contact Details

  • 12125 194th Ave NE, Redmond, WA, USA

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