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Welcome to the Path of Compassion.

My name is Tarakini. 


You might know me as Susannah Weaver.  Tarakini is a name given to me that more closely resembles my soul essence.​​  It is an honor to share knowledge, techniques, and practices that can bring you closer to your inner guidance, the compass of the heart.  All of my coaching and teaching are born from the art of compassion, and I am committed to love and devotion to the sacred feminine, which has guided me throughout my life. 
The seeking impulse and the feeling nature of love touched me as a child growing up with the influence of Jesus within the Episcopal Church. The journey of inner guidance led me to deepen my understanding of nature and her elements through Lakota, Native American practices, women's wisdom-based practices, and eventually, yoga and meditation.  Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practice opened another gateway to my connection to the sacred feminine that informed and guided my journey. As a meditation teacher, I continue to draw on my background of the teachings of Hatha yoga and Patanjali's yoga sutras, the Buddha dharma, women's wisdom and from many of the extraordinary teachers I've had the last 20 years. The longing to learn to live my practice and to answer the call to live in closer harmony with nature inspired me to leave Los Angeles and move to Ojai, CA. The same inspiration led me to Orcas Island, WA, where I would continue to learn to connect to the generative love inside of me through luminous meditation practices on a path rooted in the Amartya tradition.
There is nothing more rewarding than supporting a fellow seeker on their journey. As a meditation teacher, a yoga teacher, a coach and as a bodyworker, I am devoted to helping people on their unique path of inner discovery. I teach people the foundation of mindfulness and the process of effortless letting go which are the necessary ingredients to develop a meditation practice. Meditation practice is not an escape from life but rather allows one to embrace the fullness of life and to bring the connection to one's own essence into life. I teach because I want to share what has led me to more joy, freedom, peace, creativity and love. Whether you are longing for relief from stress, fear and doubt or simply struggling with the challenges that life presents through relationships, jobs, trauma, the things we don’t want and the things we hold on to and fear losing, meditation offers an inward space for transformation and growth potential. 
I offer students the Surah Parampara teachings in tandem with elegant meditation techniques for self-realization.  Path of Compassion teaches the pillars of mindfulness, which act as a foundation to learn the art of meditation.  The Karunya Marga, (a Sanskrit term for path of compassion), offers a road to true self knowledge, through the path itself, and the solar meditation techniques enliven wisdom and compassion through your vessel of practice over time. It is my deepest joy to share with you the essence and teachings of the Amartya tradition. 
I came across the healing balm of a Sambodha meditation technique during a time when I emerged from a dark night of the soul after losing a baby. I had stopped meditating all together for a period of time, I was longing to connect to the peace I had experienced in meditation again. When I returned to practice, I had difficulty connecting to the ease and grace meditation offered me until that crossroads.  In 2015, I discovered a way back home to my heart through the experience I began to have with a beautiful meditation technique that I learned. Shortly after that, I began to study with my teacher, Aaravindha Himadra. The last 10 years have been devoted to unfurling the heart of practice and bringing forward the wisdom of the Surah Parampara tradition.  In 2018, I committed to stewardship of Sambodha teachings. The Sambodha classes and workshops I teach are taught in person to support students better. I currently teach in the Seattle, WA area. The art of compassion and the pillars of mindfulness teachings are available online and offer the foundation needed to develop and deepen meditation practice. 
I continue developing as a spiritual seeker, a teacher, and a coach. I attend annual meditation retreats, seminars, and trainings. Continuing to be a student goes hand-in-hand and supports my integration process to support you on your metamorphosis journey; I honor the responsibility that comes with stewardship of a unique and precious path.  I seek to teach from a place of Maitri, where teacher-student relationships are not based on hierarchy but rather on meeting in the place of the inner knower, the inner sun, or friend.
Please ask about scholarships or a sliding scale if you are in need.

For more details on all my offerings please see our ONLINE BOOKING APP or go to my personal page

For more information go to  and to see where Aaravindha Himadra is teaching in Europe and the USA.  Aaravindha's book, "Immortal Self: A Journey to the Himalayan Valley of the Amartya Masters" can be found here.

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